Published books
The following books are the tip of a longer range, all published by professional publishing companies, New Holland and HarperCollins. In total, I have written 15 books, all about wine. They include: A Guide to Touring New Zealand’s Wineries, 2021: The Little Black Book of Wine, New Holland Publishers, 2015; The Wild Bunch, 2012; Celebrating New Zealand Wine, New Holland Publishers, 2004 (Winner Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2004, Runner-up Montana Book Awards 2005); Joelle Thomson’s 101 Wine Tips, 2001; The Indispensable Wine Guide, 2006, 2007, 2008 & Joelle Thomson’s Under, $15, Under $20 and Under $25 Wine Guides 1999- 2005 Winner Best Wine Guides in English, Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2002.

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Please note that Celebrating New Zealand Wine is no longer available.