Joelle Thomson

Wine writer and award winning wine author

What I am drinking, reading and savouring each week


Minimum alcohol levels for 100% Marlborough wine

Appellation Marlborough Wine (AMW) has introduced a minimum sugar ripeness level for all wines bearing its trademark of authenticity. 

“Now more than ever, consumers can be assured that every one of our AMW certified wines is an authentic, quality expression of our region. It’s a measure of our members' commitment that this has been passed unanimously," says AMW Chairperson John Buchanan.

The organisation was founded in 2018 to guarantee that all member wineries would use grapes that were grown entirely in Marlborough to make wines. "We ensure that our member wineries stick to strict quality criteria for AMW certification and we lobby local and national bodies for tighter industry regulation. We have also developed and released the Wine Map of Marlborough – a vital resource for understanding the region."