Joelle Thomson

Wine writer and award winning wine author

What I am drinking, reading and savouring each week


Fifth Organic Wine Week 19 to 25 September

This year marks the fifth vintage of Organic Wine Week in New Zealand and it's looming faster than you can pour yourself a glass of wine, certified organic or not. The aim of the event is to raise the profile of certified organic wine and the impetus for wine drinkers to encourage the industry to produce it. 

Organic Wine Week runs from Monday 19 September to Monday 25 September this year and will be held as a series of regional tastings around the country, dates and details of which can be seen online here... Organic Wine Week 2022.

The event is run by Organic Winegrowers New Zealand, which aims to ensure that all winemakers aspiring to use the O word must be certified by an independent body, such as BioGro New Zealand,  but other independent organisations can also approve organic certification. 

“There has been a major upswing in demand for organic wine over recent years and the conversation is definitely changing in favour of organics.  Consumers want to know what is going into their wine, where it comes from, how it is grown and the impact on the environment,” says Clive Dougall, chair of the producers’ association Organic Winegrowers New Zealand.
Find out more about Organic Wine Week here